Strengthening Teaching Competences in Higher Education in Natural and Mathematical Sciences TeComp
This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
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Give your teachers a better way of providing education

One of the main tasks of TeComp is upgrading educational infrastructure necessary for the wider integration of contemporary pedagogical principles and educational technologies in teaching and learning.
The organisation of training courses for teaching staff in pedagogy and methodology of teaching, and in the pedagogical and technical aspect of the use of modern educational technologies are necessary for improving the quality of education.
Designing new/modified master courses and continuing professional development courses in psychology, pedagogy, methodology of teaching, and technology enhanced learning in line with the modern European strategies
Lastly, integration of online technologies into traditional courses, development of systems for electronic testing and formation of online labs is crucial to modernize educational methods.

Absolutely Improved Approach to Education

International standard for education

Institution improvement trough staff development
University of Niš
Univerzitetski trg 2
18000 Niš
General Project Manager
Prof. Dragan Antić, Ph. D.
Contact person
Prof. Jelena Ignjatović, Ph. D.
University of Niš
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Višegradska 33
18000 Niš, Serbia
Tel: +381 18 533 015
Fax: +381 18 533 014
Previous financial Manager
Prof. Miroslav Ćirić, Ph. D.
University of Niš
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Višegradska 33
18000 Niš, Serbia
Tel: +381 18 533 014
Actual financial Manager
Aleksandra Arsenijević, Ph. D.
Our Equipment
Earlier Meetings
February 2025
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