As a classical public university with around 60,000 students, 3,600 lecturers, 1,900 administrative and support staff, the UGR (founded in 1531) offers a wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The UGR is committed not only to quality and excellence in education, learning and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to society, the betterment of society and a sustainable environment. Due to its longstanding tradition, geographical location and high standard, both in teaching and research, the UGR regards internationalization as of its strategic aims. Every year over 4,800 international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study programmes or via the approximately 800 networks and bilateral exchange agreement in which the UGR is involved.
The project team from the University of Granada for this project are professors at the Departament of Mathematics Education. The department was founded in 1985 and is one of the most recognized departments in Mathematics Education in Spain and internationally. The department offers courses in the training of mathematics pre-service teachers at different educative levels. They have also participated in training in-service mathematics teachers’ programs of different countries such as Chile and México.

There is a Master’s program in Mathematics Education in the department. Some teachers of the department also teach on the Master’s program for Secondary Mathematics Teachers. The members suggested from the University of Granada are professors on these master’s courses. These two members are part of a research group that led the Spanish team of TEDS-M (Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics) project, by IEA.
Role in project
UGR will be involved in the realisation of all work packages and activities on the project. Their special contrubution will be given by expertise in educational sciences and the methodology of teaching of natural and mathematical sciences. UGR will organise visits of the teaching staff from PC HEIs to their university, and during these visits they will share their experience in the aforementioned fields with the guests, and will demonstrate ways for improving the quality of higher education used at their university. They will also participate in the training of teaching staff from PC HEIs both at PC HEIs and UGR.
Application team
- María C. Cañadas Santiago
- Antonio Moreno Verdejo
- Pedro Gómez Guzmán (external expert)