A very important issue in higher education is student
evaluation. The problem of objective assessment and equal
treatment of all students is particularly evident in cases
when dealing with a very large number of students.
Electronic testing is one of the ways to overcome or mitigate
this problem, and in this activity systems for electronic
testing of students will be developed. A team of experts in
information technology and pedagogy from the partner
institutions (not necessarily the same as in Activity 4.1), in
cooperation with teachers of particular subjects, will
propose methodological and software solutions for the
development of systems for electronic testing and monitor
the creation of these systems. Questions on the tests will be
randomly chosen from the database of questions that will
be created, for each student individually. Special attention
will be paid to self-testing – a mode of testing where
students can check their knowledge, and immediately or
after completion the test they are informed about the test
results and mistakes, that they have eventually made. As
known, immediate feedback allows students to identify and
fill gaps in their knowledge, which has a very large positive
impact on success in learning.