Reliable analysis of performance indicators of pilot projects
launched within the activities 4.1-4.3 requires monitoring of
the implementation of these projects over a longer period
of time, and therefore, such an analysis cannot be
performed during the project cycle. For that reason, the
activity 4.4 will focus on defining the methodology that will
be used in the analysis of performance indicators of new
teaching and learning methods introduced within activities
4.1-4.3, and then, a preliminary analysis of performance
indicators will be conducted and the results of the analysis
will be published in the form of a report. The preliminary
analysis will be the first step in the further analysis of
performance indicators of the innovations introduced in the
process of teaching and learning at the PC HEIs, which will
be continued after the completion of the project cycle and
whose results will be used to further improve the quality of
teaching and learning at the PC HEIs.